The Land Rover Owners Ex Wife

……becoming me again


Little Mudlet bakes a cake.

Coffee slice as baked by Little Mudlet

Coffee slice as baked by Little Mudlet

The trouble with having two children at the same school but a few academic years apart, is that sometimes one of them gets to do something that the other can’t.

Unfortunately for Little Mudlet, she is usually the one who misses out at the moment, especially in respect of after school clubs. So far all the after school clubs have been aimed at years 3 to 6 and so, as a year 2, she isn’t overly impressed and the fact that Middle Mudlet can and does attend all three of the current clubs, is a bit of a sore point. To be fair, two of the three clubs have been split into blocks and the younger years will get a chance to do them later on but that is of little comfort to my youngest daughter. Continue reading


Mary Berrys Coffee Fudge Squares

A plainly iced cake but delicious nonetheless

A plainly iced cake but delicious nonetheless

Back in September Eldest Mudlet gave me a copy of ‘Mary Berry 100 Cakes and Bakes‘ and I resolved to try and make every recipe in the book because they all look scrumptious and I love cakes. Continue reading


All baked out

Jam and vanilla butter icing cake

Jam and vanilla butter icing cake

With Middle Mudlets party over and several months until the next birthday cake was required, it was with relief that I consigned my scales to the drawer, put the greaseproof paper away and put the final cake tin back into the cooling oven which is where I store my tins and trays. All thoughts of baking anything other than a batch of yorkshire puddings, or maybe the odd quiche base were banished – I was all baked up.

So it came as a bit of a shock when, at around 2pm Monday afternoon, Mud remembered that he was supposed to take cakes into work the next day. Furthermore he had promised his colleagues a supply of glorious, thickly coated, chocolate crispy cakes! Continue reading