The Land Rover Owners Ex Wife

……becoming me again


Hello and welcome.

You have stumbled upon my account of: about my former life as the wife of a Land Rover Enthusiast; adapting to life as a newly single woman which started a month before the 2020 COVID Lockdown; my attempts to grow vegetables both at home and at the local school; my best impressions of a capable housewife (which aren’t always very good); and a selection of general topics filed under ‘being a dinosaur’.

I hope that you enjoy the content that is here. Please feel free to comment and I will respond as soon as I can.

Take care,


Elaine (the Land Rover Owners Ex Wife)

21 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Wonderful Flowers!

    • Grown from seed last year by my youngest child, we have been delighted by how strongly they have come back this year and how prolific and resilient the flowers have been. I hope they have brought you some joy with their happy, bright faces.

      Thank you for taking the time to post a comment.

  2. Mrs Mud. Just a little note to see how you are. I had a break from blogland last year and I can see that you too are on a break at the moment. I hope all is well and nothing to catastrophic has happened to cause your sudden silence. Take care. Lucie xx

    • Hi Lucie,

      I have taken a little break, probably for the same reasons as you, in so much that the writing was becoming more of a chore than an enjoyable sharing of thoughts.

      Oddly enough I have been feeling the tug of my blog drawing me ever closer to picking up the virtual pen again. I feel a catch up post coming soon and then maybe a more relaxed approach to the whole thing.

      Thanks for your thoughts and good wishes xx

  3. I too have two lives, one in Land Rover Land and “Mr Mud” has a link to my 110 blog here in New Zealand. However, I thought that “Mrs Mud” might like to see what competes for my time, our garden. We have a tiny bit of “remnant bush” that our house sits on and it has been sadly neglected for over 20 years. Our mission is to remove all of the exotics, mostly English country garden plants, and sub tropical invaders and re-plant native plants to encourage the native fauna to return. You can check out our garden blog, the Garden Tamer’s Diary here:

    • Hello and thanks for stopping by. I popped over to see your garden earlier and liked the look of the walkway. Best of luck in your endeavours to recreate a native garden. I’ll keep checking back to see how you are progressing 🙂

  4. I am sorry that I offended you by not asking for copyright permission to promote your Blog. I didn’t realize your post was going to show up on my Blog. I read your post and it inspired me to plant carrots. I still haven’t seen any come up.

    I have deleted the post. Best wishes for happy blogging. I have been with wordpress for years and it is a great platform.

    Mary Ellen

  5. Great photos!
    The rings for keeping the flowers closed, is a great idea! How can I get my hands on some? what are they called? [is there a brand name?]

    Thanks, Caroline has a great ‘How to Save Your Own Seeds’ manual with photos and detailed steps for only 15.00

    • Hi Caroline,

      Over here in the UK plastic coated plant rings are readily available from most of the high street shops that do seeds and stuff, as well as from Garden Centers and online retailers. A specific brand would be Gardman and they have a range of plant rings from the bare metal ones to twisty plastic ones.I personally prefer to use the plastic coated metal rings as I think these are kinder to the plants.


  6. I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award although I would be amazed if you haven’t already received one!

  7. I’ve just followed you after seeing your wonderful vegetable garden. I could only dream of such a beauty but time constraints mean I have a couple of manageable raised beds and some fruit.
    We feasted on our garden peas and mange tout last night; with a good steak 😉

    • Thank you for such a lovely comment and welcome. To be fair, if it wasn’t for Muds hard working digging through the 6 inches of hardcore, we wouldn’t have such a lovely space. I’m lucky to have the time to make good use of the space he provided 🙂

  8. Hello and welcome. I have tried to leave a message on your blog but I suspect it is in your spam folder as per my post yesterday 🙂

  9. Would love to have you on board the Garden Share Collective – A few people have suggested you would be a great participant. Look forward to hearing from you. You have a wonderful blog.

  10. Mrs Mud,
    Thanks so much for stopping by. I love your name, its very unique, meaning I could never ever forget that I met you. Transferring posts is one heck of a job. Hope all went well for you. Have a pleasant weekend and a wonderful week!

  11. Hello there! I find your blog really lovely and so have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Please visit for more information on this award. 😀

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