The Land Rover Owners Ex Wife

……becoming me again

Glittery Cinnamon Salt Dough ornaments


Rudolph the red nose reindeer …….. with sparkly nose

The Mudlets love to do crafting, whether it be making and painting Warhammer miniatures or Airfix models with Mud, learning to knit (Little Mudlet is doing a pretty good job making a blanket for her teddy), or drawing. They particularly enjoy crafting associated with Christmas and this year is no different. Middle Mudlet has collected around 80 pinecones which she will be painting and glittering and both girls have a pack of paper chain links bought in the January sales and a couple of packs of sparkly cards with envelopes, in red and green, which they intend to make into Christmas cards.

In addition they spent last Sunday (19th) making and baking glittery, cinnamon, salt dough shapes which Little Mudlet is now in the process of painting and glittering ready for the Victorian Market next week, at which she and Middle Mudlet will be trying to sell their ornament creations. I just need to get some ribbon to thread through the holes and Little Mudlet is good to go. Middle Mudlet still needs to spray her cones but that shouldn’t take too long and then it’s a matter of adding a touch of glitter and a bit of string so they can be hung up. The girls did really well with their pinecones last year and so I’m hoping the cones and salt dough ornaments will be a success again.

Painting the detail on

The recipe for the cinnamon salt dough was found here on the brooklynhomemaker blog and we just mixed in a goodly amount of silver glitter with the dry ingredients before mixing, rolling and baking. I have to say that the ornaments give off a lovely cinnamon scent, have a gentle sparkle to them and have come out differing shades of brown and took a good 6 to 8 hours to fully harden off …… but then they were in the warming oven as opposed to the main oven, as there was a chance the main oven would get too hot. We do need to spray them with some sort of clear fixing adhesive (although I suspect a pva/water glaze will do the trick) if we want them to last longer than one year but all in all, I think she’s done a pretty good job so far, for an 11 year old.


4 thoughts on “Glittery Cinnamon Salt Dough ornaments

  1. Ooh! Mr. Afthead loves cinnamon scented holiday decorations, and I think this might be just the thing to make the house smell festive. How strong are they? I can’t wait to hear how the sales go!

    • That’s the beauty of Brooklyn Homemakers recipe – you can put in as much or little cinnamon as you like. This batch was gently scented with both girls deciding to err on the side of caution but they both agreed that next time they’d put a whole lot more of the spice in to ensure a stronger aroma 😀

  2. Love the idea of mixing in glitter! So cute!

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